10am-5pm Visit the St. Louis Arch and ride the tram to the top of the arch for $15. The outside grounds, 1st floor level, and museum at the base of the Arch is free to the public!

2pm-5pm Walk the riverfront from the Arch to the 1-mile long Graffiti Wall. We highly recommend shooting some yoyo and kendama video with the graffiti wall as the backdrop!
CITY FOUNDRY / 6pm-10pm National YoYo Day meet UYYC judges and pick up your Kendama ladder pass, grab food, drinks, shop, and learn ladder tricks to earn prizes!
6pm-9pm CITY FOUNDRY early check-in to pick up a ladder pass, ladder cards, and win prizes.

9:30am – Early entry: enter using the South Entrance and take the elevator or the steps to the bottom level
9:30am – registration OPEN!
Kendama pass $40 *add yoyo $20
Yoyo pass $60 *includes Kendama
General Admission $20 Adult pass / $10 child pass (under 8yrs)
10:15am – registration CLOSES for Kendama, Sport, 1A, and X divisions
10am-3pm practice area for yoyo and kendama ladders
10:30am – Sport Division: Amateur freestyles 1 min
11:00am – 1A Division: Yoyo freestyles 2 min
12:00pm – 12:45pm Lunch at The Key Bistro
12:45pm 1A Division: YoYo freestyles 2min
2:00pm X Division: Yoyo freestyles 2 min
2:30pm Kendama: Freestyles – 2 min
3:00pm Awards
Stay while the judges pass out awards from our sponsors and the NYYL to the winners of UYYC25!
SATURDAY, JUNE7 4pm -6pm Dinner For those looking for St. Louis bbq or one of the coolest places to eat, shop, and play in St. Louis, JOIN us at the outside terrace level of EXPAT BBQ!
SATURDAY, JUNE7 4:00pm -9:00pm After-Party We will meet on the 1st floor of the main Food Hall; it’s time to relax with everyone from the event and meet all the judges. A special thanks again to everyone that traveled out to support UYYC, join us at the City Foundry STL!
SUNDAY, JUNE 8 10am – 4pm If you are still here on Sunday join all the judges and players for your last day in St. Louis at the City Museum for bbq, coffee, and exploring the museum, 10am until 4pm!