2024 UYYC 1st place 1A Division Champion
2023 UYYC 1st place 1A Division Champion

For your convenience rules and current judging criteria can be found at: STATE CONTEST RULES. For this years UYYC contest there are no prelims for the yoyo divisions and instead everyone can perform a contest routine on stage!
Sport Division (amateur) – 1 minute freestyle
1A Division- 2 minute freestyle
X Division (2a-5a) – 2 minute freestyle
Explanation of Divisions:
1A: Freestyle using one yo-yo
2A: Freestyle with two looping yo-yos
3A: Freestyle with two string trick yo-yos
4A: Freestyle with yo-yo(s) which string is not attached
5A: Freestyle with yo-yo(s) which has counter-weight on the other side of string
At UYYC if you earn any of the titles listed below you have the potential to earn a prize bag, and or a UYYC placement medal.
In total there will be 18 prize bags and 18 award medals given out at end of the event. Without the generosity of our sponsors…. an event like this couldn’t be possible. So a big thank you to everyone that is involved!
AWARD MEDALS – The 2025 UYYC contest will have custom made medallions with the UYYC logo and presented as a sponsorship of the National Yoyo League; competitors can expect to win a total of 18 award medals!
Kansas State Champion: Sport, 1A and X-Division 1st place
Missouri State Champion: Sport, 1A and X-Division 1st place
Sport Division: 1st – 3rd place (overall)
1A Division 1st-3rd place (overall)
X-Division 1st-3rd Place (overall)
Kendama 1st – 3rd place (overall)
*please note that for the 2025 NYYL contest season anyone can compete at PRELIMS at the National Yoyo Contest. Because of this UYYC will not be seeding to Nationals. However please keep in mind that UYYC will be judged with the same parameters set by the National Yoyo Contest. That being said if this is your last contest before Nationals its a great chance to get your routine perfect and pick up prizes, award medals, a state title, and national recognition!