Here are some answers to our FAQS!

If you have any more, please don’t hesitate to ask!!!

Will there be a prelim and a final for each division?No. 2A – 5A will have ONLY a final round. 1A WILL HAVE a preliminary and a final round.

How long is the preliminary and final round? Preliminary will be 1 minute and final will be 2 minutes

How long should my routine be for Sport Freestyle?

Sport Freestyle will be 1 minute routines.

Can I pay with a card at the contest venue?

No. We will only be accepting cash or Venmo. We will be selling concessions and raffle tickets. If you would like to participate in those, you need cash or Venmo.

Where can I find registration?

You can find it in our Instagram bio or on our Facebook page – both @michiganstateyoyocontest

What is the schedule like?

The schedule will be out very soon!! If you are planning on competing we recommend registering soon because it will help us create the most accurate schedule AND pricing will go up soon!!