PurpleYoYo is a new program that aims to de-stigmatize depression and anxiety in the yoyo community, and provide assistance to those players suffering from these illnesses.

The yoyo and skill toy community has grown – and thrived – as a worldwide network of creative individuals who can easily learn new skills, connect with each other via the web, and garner acclaim in the community without leaving their own homes. As a result, this dynamic and unique subculture also attracts members who suffer from depression, anxiety, and related issues. Our goal is to lend extra support to these members of our community and help them understand that help is available, and they are not alone.

PurpleYoYo is a program of the US National YoYo League, a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to further the art and sport of competitive yoyo play.

Learn more at http://purpleyoyo.org!